For Souls.
For Sri Lanka.
An ugly reality breeds a desire for change. There are many realities that must be changed, but perhaps the most necessary would be the reality of nations dying without ever meeting the one who died to save them.
The island of Sri Lanka is home to 21.2 million souls, all of whom Christ loves. 70.2% of them are Buddhists. 12.6% identify themselves as Hindus. 9.7% are given to Islam. 6.1% claim to be Roman Catholics. That leaves 1.4% that claim to be Christians.
The disturbing reality of 98.6% of an entire nation heading towards an eternity without God needs to change, but this calls for more than simply modifying a mere statistic. Lives must be transformed. Explore to understand how you can partner in this mission.
I am honoured that you have taken the time to visit I believe the Bible when it says that God has a plan for each and every life; a path that he desires each of us to follow him down. From a young age, my parents have emphasised this plan. It is a path that does not always make sense – it certainly was not something I understood at seven years of age when God moved my family from Sri Lanka to Singapore, and then from Singapore to Sydney.
I finished High School in Sydney, and followed the Lord to Bible College in California. Upon graduating from West Coast Baptist College in May of 2017, the Lord directed me to complete an internship in Sri Lanka for six months. After spending much time in prayer, allowing the Lord to shape my desires, and seeking counsel, the Lord made it very clear that he wanted me back in Sri Lanka. In January of 2019, I moved to Sri Lanka to serve him and to share his life-giving, life-changing message with its people.
To serve as the Associate Pastor of CBBC, assisting Pastor Unruh directly with the care of the church, including much teaching, preaching, pastoral visiting, and the organisation of evangelistic events.
To serve as a teacher in the Bible Institute and Bible College.
Included in this role will be much administration as well as the opportunity to assist in transitioning a large Pakistani Mission into a Church.
To continue the work in the capital city of Colombo and see countless souls saved, surrendered, called, and trained to serve him in various corners of the country, and around the world.
To be a part of church-planting around the country.
To be involved in building and maintaining a Bible College in the mountains of Sri Lanka that will be equipped and used as a hub to train labourers from Asia and beyond.